Registration of Membership
The fields with (*) are compulsory.
*First Name/Given Name :
*Last Name/Surname :
*Country Of Citizenship :
*Date Of Birth :
*Malaysian I.C. No(New)
(Malaysian only)
*Gender : Male Female
Address :
PostCode :
State :
*Country Of Residence :
Phone (Home) :
*Phone (Mobile) :
*Email :
*Height (CM) :
*Weight (KG) :
*Marital Status : Single Married Others
No Of Dependents :
Driving License :
*Passport No
: No Passport
Emergency No :
Current Salary : per month
*Expected Salary : per month
Current Job Designation :
Notice Period :
Remarks to HostE Solutions :
Remarks to Employer :
(B.) WORKING EXPERIENCE (From the most recent)
Year to Year:From To Year
Nature Of Employer: (Indicate star ratings/industry i.e. 5-Star Hotel OR finance(non hotels))
Year to Year:From To Year
Reason Of Leaving:
Year to Year:From To Year
Reason Of Leaving:
Year to Year:From To Year
Reason Of Leaving:
(C.) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (From the most recent)
Year to Year:From To Year
Qualification Obtained:
Year to Year:From To Year
Qualification Obtained:
Year to Year:From To Year
Qualification Obtained:
(D.) LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY (Please indicate from 1-least to 5-most)
*Spoken Language : English   B.Malaysia   Mandarin         
*Written Language : English   B.Malaysia   Mandarin         
Standard Rating on Languages
Language Proficiency (From 1 to 10)
( example of English language is illustrated here. Similar standard applicable for other languages grading)
Rating Definition
10 Impeccable language proficiency with the language accent of origin.
9 Strong command of language proficiency at professional level as well as personal level, with no grammatical error.
8 Very fluent in proficiency and possess strong ability to express their ideas, views/opinions freely at ease and confident ? may come with local accent
7 Fluent proficiency and has good ability to express their ideas, views/opinions with good confidence (but with strong local accent).
6 Average proficiency while able to understand well, express themselves and be understood easily with reasonable confident. Occasional foreign words, due to local influence
5 Average proficiency while able to understand, express and present themselves but with slight - average broken language/foreign words.
4 Decent level of language proficiency but may have high tendency to respond with mixed languages & local influence ( > 50%) to express themselves. Listener out of the same country may repeat confirmation to understand,
3 Ability to understand but may respond with broken language and limited choice of words to present themselves. Lack of confidence may be shown.
2 Ability of basic understanding with help of repeated information. Unable to respond/ construct full sentences continuously in a conversation.
1 Ability to understand/ listen pieces of basic terms but unable to respond accordingly in the same language.
0 Incapable of the said language.
(E.) PREFERRED WORKING COUNTRIES (Please indicate from 1-least to 5-most)
*Working Countries : Asia   Europe   Middle-East   Malaysia      
Accounting/Finance Admin/Human Resources Agricultures
Arts/Media/Communications Aviation Banking & Investment
Biotechnology Building/Construction Computer/Information Technology
Education/Training Engineering Entertainment
FMGC Food Manufacturing Healthcare
Hospitality Information Technology Insurance
Law/Legal Services Life Science Logistics/Supply Chain
Logistics/Supply Chain NGOs Oil & Gas
Pharmaceutical Plantation Property Development
Retails Sales/Marketing Sciences
Scientific Scientific Services
Photo 1 :
(including full body)
Photo 2 :
(including full body)
C.V. :
*Username :
*Password :
*Re-type Password :
Would you consider engaging HostE Solutions with an Arranger Fee to source for you a career within your desired working countries and employer ?
Yes No

Telephone: 603 2116 5939         Facsimile: 603 4266 4558         Email:

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